Packaging and deployment


This plugin is using the qgis-plugin-ci tool to perform packaging operations.

python -m pip install -U -r requirements/packaging.txt

Then use it:

# package a specific version
qgis-plugin-ci package 1.5.2
# package the latest version documented into the changelog
qgis-plugin-ci package latest

Release a version

Follow the git workflow:

  1. Fillfull the

  2. Apply a git tag with the relevant version: git tag -a 0.3.0 {git commit hash} -m "New plugin UI"

  3. Push tag to master

  4. Once the release workflow is over, check everything went fine

  5. Double-check if the uploaded plugin on the official QGIS plugins repository is the same as the one published on Github Release and has a relevant size. If not, fix it by manually uploading the plugin to the official QGIS plugins repository.